
Перед консультацией конечно нет, но слыша голос человека мне приходит его проблема и ее решение в виде картинок и текстов.
Через сны, картинки, тексты.
Не рассматриваю людей с тяжёлыми психическими и физическими заболеваниями. Наркоманов со стажем.
Если вопрос и просьба имеет формат несущий вред и угнетает волю и силу человека. То есть запрос связан с чёрной магией. Привороты, порчи и т.д.
Я не смотрю детей до 16 лет и беременных. Детям можно и нужно проводить Сеансы Рэйки.
Аура человека у которого пробоина в тонком теле, либо не светится, либо светится с черными линиями, ауру можно увидеть разных цветов. И тонкое тело человека имеет иногда щит и окантовку. Это означает что у человека сильный Род и ангелы хранители.
Через закрытые глаза человек у меня включается что то похожее на рентген, впервые увидела это на своей кошке.
Путем телесного контакта через руки происходит считка информации о прошлом, настоящем и будущем.
Путём сканирования тела человека, Ваше тело само показывает, где расположены щупальца. И какие чакры активные, а какие и во все закрыты.
Путём восстановления собственной энергии, еда и удовольствие. Так же подпитка через стихии. Такие как вода, солнце, энергия земли через тактильный контакт с деревьями.
Для этого мне достаточно знать имя и дату рождения. Через сновидения и через астрал мне показывают в чем проблема и есть она у человека.
Огонь, Вода для большего считывания информации и собственная энергия.
Даже самый нелепый огарок имеет информацию и показывает мне картину. Так же как и чай и кофе, а так же зерна кофе в который зашифрован Ваш запрос.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.
This is a question relevant to the metaphysical school of thought, where the planets are thought to influence the person at the time of birth.

Что говорят клиенты

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.